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Public training courses - Bluemetrica - Data Science Training, Consultancy, Data Analysis

Public training courses

Public Training Courses are an ideal solution when you are the only person in the company requiring specific training. Our courses are always organized in small groups of 3-10 participants and the training room is well-adapted for IT-supported classes. During each course, we provide lunch and refreshments. All you need to do is to focus on your exercises and enjoy the training. After the training, you will receive all the training materials and a Certificate of   Completion of the Course.

As the other participants are coming from a variety of businesses and companies, you will have an opportunity to exchange your experiences, network and make new contacts.  During this type of training you are away from the company and your day-to-day distractions, so you can fully concentrate on your learning.

Learn about the upcoming courses from the table below. If you don’t see the training you are looking for, let us know, we will try to schedule this course for you.

How to register for a public training course?

  1. Let us know which training you are interested in.
  2. We will inform you about upcoming courses or we will schedule the training you require.
  3. You will receive an application form to register for a training.
  4. Training – both before and after the training, we send a questionnaire to find out how well we have met your training objectives and your expectations, and whether you are satisfied with the course.

4 reasons to choose a public training

  • Small groups (3-10 people).
  • It is an ideal solution when only 1-2 people from the company want to join the training.
  • Networking – opportunity to exchange professional experience with other training participants.
  • Lack of distractions – you will be away from your company and day-to-day responsibilities.

Upcoming public courses

Date Duration Course City Rate (Ex VAT)
18-20 March 2019 3 days Time Series Analysis and Forecasting London £1750
8-9 April 2019 2 days Introduction to R London £1200
24-26 April 2019 3 days High Performance Machine Learning in Python with H2O London £2200
13-15 May 2019 3 days Machine Learning with R London £1750
15-17 May 2019 3 days Machine Learning with Python London £1750
3-5 June 2019 3 days Introduction to Data Science London £1750

Looking for something else?

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